
“Very useful knowledge for the changes that are coming in Australia regarding the conduct of clinical trials [in 2023-24].”

I’ve attended quite a few PRAXIS workshops now. The content across the workshops I’ve attended has always been presented in clear and accessible ways, and I always come away with a sense of how I can utilise that information in my role.

The whole [HREC] course was extremely valuable and provided a lot of useful information and perspectives that certainly helped to broaden my understanding of the role of HRECs.

PRAXIS Australia is a leading Australian and International NFP education and training provider. Our training offers are built upon the competencies developed by the Harvard Multi-Regional Trials Centre (MRCT) and aligned to competencies recommended by the NHMRC.

These training offers are regarded as a benchmark for researchers, clinical trials, and healthcare professionals in Australia and internationally.

PRAXIS is successfully building the confidence, competence and capability of the clinical trials, medtech, research and ethics sectors.  We are achieving this by collaborating with government, industry, academia and advocacy organisations across the sector.

How to start your year strong in clinical research

18 September 2024, 10.00am – 2.00pm

Australian privacy law is undergoing significant change. Better navigate privacy law and regulations to avoid common privacy risks in your research.

26 September 2024, 10.00am – 2.00pm

Packed with tips and strategies, you’ll discover the techniques you need to manage your projects successfully and methodically.

1 October 2024, 10.00am – 2.00pm

Explore techniques to amplify the voices of consumers while fostering a collaborative environment that drives meaningful impact.

15 October 2024, 10.00am – 2.00pm

Join us to learn new skills and ensure that you chair committees and their meetings most effectively and efficiently. Your organisation and your team will thank you.

24 October 2024, 10.00am – 2.00pm

For clinical staff and managers to learn business concepts by developing core competencies they can use in growing a successful clinical trials unit.

31 October 2024, 10.00am – 2.00pm

Understand the importance of research conduct and why following GCP leads to excellent science, quality data, reducing risk and keeping participants safe.

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