Online Courses
PRAXIS Australia is a leading Australian and International NFP education and training provider. Our training offers are built upon the competencies developed by the Harvard Multi-Regional Trials Centre (MRCT) and aligned to competencies recommended by the NHMRC.
These training offers are regarded as a benchmark for researchers, clinical trials, and healthcare professionals in Australia and internationally.
PRAXIS is successfully building the confidence, competence and capability of the clinical trials, medtech, research and ethics sectors. We are achieving this by collaborating with government, industry, academia and advocacy organisations across the sector.
Research Essentials
HREC Essentials
Core Skill Sets
HREC for Busy People
Research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples online module
Good Clinical Practice online module
Suggestion box: new offers and interest areas
What would you like to see from us? This can be a topic we haven't covered yet, a course style, or a different way of delivering our courses and workshops. All suggestions are welcome and will be considered.