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Plagiarism and Collusion

PRAXIS Australia Statement on Plagiarism and Collusion

Plagiarism occurs when a person or persons represent their work and/or idea as being original, when it is in fact the work and/or idea of another person (and without appropriate acknowledgment of the source of that work/ idea).

Collusion is the representation by a person or persons that a piece of work/idea is their own, when in fact it is the result (either in whole or in part) of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons. In this circumstance, both the participant(s) presenting the work and the person or persons involved in the unauthorised collaboration will be considered as contributors in the misconduct.

PRAXIS course submissions are regularly content-checked by online learning coordinators, including for plagiarism and collusion.

Where a participant is found to have committed academic misconduct (including plagiarism), PRAXIS may impose a range of penalties, including:

  • Removal of participant(s) from the enrolled course (at the participant’s cost)
  • Withholding of PRAXIS certificates
  • Exclusion from future PRAXIS courses
  • In instances where the PRAXIS course forms part of a university/academic course enrolment, PRAXIS will inform the institution of the misconduct.