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PRAXIS National Projects - current

PRAXIS Australia partners with organisations across the research and clinical trials network to collaborate and deliver beneficial projects to the sector.

National Clinical Trials Governance Framework

PRAXIS has secured a significant project and will work in collaboration with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care to improve the confidence and capability of the clinical trials workforce in Australia.

The National Clinical Trials Governance Framework is a step towards consistent accreditation of clinical trial sites. PRAXIS has been selected by the Commission to design and develop training for assessors. Assessors will be reviewing Australian clinical trial sites against the new Framework from 2023. We are excited to be working with the Commission to educate the assessors, which will lead to improved safety and quality of clinical trials across Australia.

Department of Industry, Science and Resources/OMICO: PrOSPeCT Program

PRAXIS Australia has partnered with Omico to deliver a program that will open new cancer treatment paths and clinical trial careers for Australians.

Omico’s Precision Oncology Screening Platform Enabling Clinical Trials (PrOSPeCT) program will enable relevant cancer patients to access precision medicine and comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP), and maximise opportunities in clinical trials. 

PRAXIS has been selected to deliver innovative training and internship support that will underpin PrOSPeCT’s activities. PRAXIS will provide internships for 40 clinical trial coordinators and research associates across Australia. Opening pathways in regional, rural, and remote areas and to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples is an important aim of the program.

PrOSPeCT is expected to generate new opportunities for research scientists involved in genomics, clinical trials, and diagnostics. It is estimated to provide 650+ new jobs in 2 years and $135 million of savings for Australia’s healthcare system.

MTP Connect Internship Program

PRAXIS Australia’s Clinical Trial Coordinator (CTC) Internship Program will address the critical skill gaps in the workforce by providing select clinical trials interns with expert training and education from sector leaders. 

This selective program is an immersive, flexible, competency-based training model that supports 15 interns over a 10-month timeframe.

The CTC Internship Program will be undertaken by a consortium of 7 strategically aligned partners who work across the Australian clinical trials ecosystem, and includes representation from research, academia, peak industry bodies, health care, and education and training sectors.

PRAXIS Australia and consortium partners include: ARCS Australia (ARCS)The South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI)The University Queensland Centre for Clinical Research (UQCCR)The George Institute for Global Health (TGI)Maridulu Budyari Gumal SPHERE and Sydney Health Partners (SHP).