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Clinical Trial Coordinator Internship Program 

PRAXIS Australia’s Clinical Trial Coordinator (CTC) Internship Program addressed the critical skill gaps in the workforce by providing select clinical trials interns with expert training and education from sector leaders. 

This selective program was an immersive, flexible, competency-based training model that supported 15 interns over a 10-month timeframe, commencing in January 2023.  Interns gained expert education and developed practical workplace skills.  

Delivery of the internship elements of the program included host organisations from across metropolitan and regional Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia. 

The CTC Internship Program was undertaken by a consortium of 7 strategically aligned partners who work across the Australian clinical trials ecosystem, and included representation from research, academia, peak industry bodies, health care, and education and training sectors.

PRAXIS Australia and consortium partners included: ARCS Australia (ARCS), The South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI), The University Queensland Centre for Clinical Research (UQCCR), The George Institute for Global Health (TGI), Maridulu Budyari Gumal SPHERE and Sydney Health Partners (SHP).

You can access further information via the flyers below.

This program was successfully completed in 2023.

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Information for interns

Learn more about the requirements, time commitment, benefits, and training curriculum.

Information for host organisations

Learn more about host requirements and benefits to your organisation.

This program is supported by MTPConnect’s $32 million Researcher Exchange and Development within Industry (REDI) initiative funded by the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).

In delivering the REDI program, MTPConnect is partnering with research, training and industry organisations to deploy integrated three-pillar plan driving skills and workforce development for the medical technology, biotechnology and pharmaceutical (MTP) sector nationally.

Through a competitive process, MTPConnect has selected additional industry training providers to deliver new programs addressing key skills gaps in the sector workforce.